The second portion of a book published by Alex Gleason, the writer disproves the arguments generally advanced in favor of the so-called Copernican theory, and then he proceeds to demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt, that the earth is not a globe that it does not move or rotate, that the sun moves, that the moon is not an opaque or non-luminous body, etc. The writer shows to the satisfaction of common sense that the modern universally accepted and taught theoretical astronomy, which claims the earth to be a globe, revolving around the sun, etc., is based on very weak arguments indeed, and that, on the contrary, it is not at all antagonistic to true science to accept the teachings of the Bible as they read, even the geological and astronomical utterances contained therein. It is a highly interesting book which everyone, especially every minister and teacher should read, the price of the book bound in cloth, containing also a new map of the world, is 75 cents.” - Lutheran Witness, April 21, 1891 (160 pages)