Author | Radio Show Host | Publisher
note from zen...
Dear Family in Christ,
For those that have never listened to, read, or heard about me and my work, know that I go deeper down the rabbit hole than most and speak about truth without worry of repercussion, ridicule, or harassment, which is quite often what I receive. It is those of you that have the eyes to see, ears to hear, and mind to understand that make the effort of this website and our stance with Christ and truth, worth the onslaught of anger, hatred, and character assassination perpetuated by those without discernment.
Yahushuah/Yahuwhah bless you in your pursuit of revelation and know that the seeker of lost paradise may seem a fool to one who have never sought the other worlds. Also know that we truly appreciate those of you who are not afraid to join this network and to share these secrets, true Christian warriors you have chosen to join the battle in fighting the real crusade of knowing self, and assisting others in their journey to remembrance, awakening, and knowledge of self and Christ.
Sincerely, your brother in Christ,

Look Somewhere Different - 1992
When the Evening Dies - 1994
A Different Way of Being - 1999
Lucifer Father of Cain -2004
Awaken to the New World Order -2010
Sons of God, Who We are and Why we are here -2012
Skyfall: Angels of Destiny -2014
Aramaic and Palestinian Targum -2014
The Flat Earth as Key to Decrypt the Book of Enoch - 2016
Firmament Vaulted Dome of the Earth - 2016
The Great Contest 1-2 - 2016
Global vs Flat Earth Debate- 2016
Paradise Sides of the North - 2016
Collected Works of Enoch the Prophet - 2017
The Apocryphal Texts of the Maccabean - 2017
The Writings of Abraham - 2017
Yahushua Christ: Infancy Childhood and Lost Years - 2017
Great Commission 1-3 - 2017
Medieval Apocrypha - 2017
Collected Works of Enoch - 2017
The Book of Jasher - 2017
The Gospel of Gamaliel: Lament of the Virgin and the Martyrdom of Pilate - 2017
Primary Adamic Literature - 2018
Testaments of the Patriarchs and Prophets - 2018
International Flat Earth Convention Notes - 2018
Ancient Prophecies of Christ - 2018
Illuminati Secret Covenant - 2018
Ophioletreia - 2018
Secret Instructions of the Jesuits - 2018
Dragons and Dragon Lore - 2019
Christian Topography - 2019
Epistles of the Apostles and Church Fathers - 2019
Book of the Order of the Ancients - 2019
The Vestures of Light and Rod of Wonder - 2020
Pre-Adamites & Antediluvian World - 2021
Dragon Lords: Antediluvian Kings - 2021
"Shortly after accepting the flat earth as model for world, I decided to reread the book of Enoch’s courses of the heavenly luminaries and found to my utter amazement that I was able to decipher the vision that the angel Uriel had shown him. Only by applying the circle of the earth as backdrop for those motions that one makes sense of Enoch’s description. This revelation led me to the publication of this Flat Earth trilogy."
Click this pictures below to learn more about each book!
Alongside the many guest interviews Zen does, he also hosts two shows weekly:
Momentary Zen on Wednesdays at 8:00pm-10:00pm at Revolution Radio- Studio B
Secrets Revealed on Thursdays at 9:00pm-11:00pm at Truth Frequency Radio
Join us for fellowship during the show by joining us in the chatroom at the Zen Garcia Youtube channel
Click the Pictures below to get to the Radio Stations
Monthly AMA (Ask Me Anything) With Zen

Once a month, Zen will be hosting an AMA (Ask Me Anything)
on a Thursday 9:00pm - 11:00pm EST on the Zen Garcia channel.
Click Full Schedule below to see when the next live show is!
Have a question for the show?
Join us live and add your question to the chat room!
To See Zen's Full Schedule Including Guest Interviews Click Above
Follow Zen on Facebook to see announcements like the one below for topics/guests of each show!

2. Patreon Only Ask Me Anything

Get on a group call with Zen to ask him anything you'd like, discuss and fellowship! This opportunity is available for people Patreon supporters Leviticus level and above. This is an intimate discussion with Zen that is private and not livestreamed to the public.

Publisher Since 2016

Zen Garcia, with his son, Justin James Garcia, founded Sacred Word Publishing, dedicated to publishing revelatory truth, and to assisting other authors to do likewise. Our mission is to print the truth of YAHUAH ELOHIM's word, which can be found in many places, including ancient texts spread across all cultures and peoples of the world. Our authors, including Zen and Justin (read more about them on the "Authors" page), devote their research to Truth, unaffiliated with institutional bias. And, we offer a variety of services for prospective authors. You can contact Zen at ZenGarcia2010@gmail.com As an online bookstore, SWP strives to provide the reader with multiple opinions on many diverse subjects. We also preserve ancient, esoteric texts, such as the Aramaic/Palestinian Targum. Our catalog of titles contains rightly-divining commentary on literatures of antiquity, Christian testimonies, anthologies of poetry, current events, and more.