This Enochian calendar unifies in cohesion the ancient Hebrew Lunar together with the Gregorian Solar calendar. It marks the occurrence of chodesh (7% waxing crescent moon) when first visible after sunset in Western skies. Contrary to mainstream belief, Sabbath does not occur once every seven days but is linked to chodesh and aligned to the quarterly phases of the moon. Always the first day on Yah's calendar, chodesh is excluded from the count of the following four seven-day sabbatical weeks. Thus, true Sabbath floats through the various days of the week and can occur on any day when following the Gregorian calendar. Only by using this Enochian calendar which excludes and adjusts for the sighting of Chodesh, can one truly determine and remain correctly compliant in observing the real Shabbat. Likewise one can only determine the actual Leviticus 23 feast days and festivals according to our system since they too are linked to the moon.