Our Story
Zen Garcia, with his son, Justin James Garcia, founded Sacred Word Publishing, dedicated to publishing revelatory truth, and to assisting other authors to do likewise. Our mission is to print the truth of YAHUAH ELOHIM's word, which can be found in many places, including ancient texts spread across all cultures and peoples of the world.
Our authors, including Zen and Justin (read more about them on the "Authors" page), devote their research to Truth, unaffiliated with institutional bias. And, we offer a variety of services for prospective authors. You can contact Zen at ZenGarcia2010@gmail.com
As an online bookstore, SWP strives to provide the reader with multiple opinions on many diverse subjects. We also preserve ancient, esoteric texts, such as the Aramaic/Palestinian Targum. Our catalog of titles contains rightly-dividing commentary on literatures of antiquity, Christian testimonies, anthologies of poetry, current events, and more.
Our Team
Laurel Austin, our official photographer & "Wellness Writer," is a mom of 6 children. Her first four children are all vaccinated and all four of them are on the autism spectrum. Her younger two children have never been vaccinated and they are both "normal," typically developed children. They have been through genetic testing and all kinds of therapies and protocols that gave Laurel insight into vaccine injury and heavy metal toxicity. In addition to sharing what she has learned from this experience, Laurel also shares with others what she has learned about living a healthier lifestyle, including: cultured and fermented foods, her favorite being kombucha. Laurel is a professional photographer, former sign language interpreter, and, she co-hosts with Zen Garcia twice a month on vaccine and health related issues. You can follow Laurel on Twitter at: www.twitter.com/Laurel_Austin
Laurel Austin
Joy Garcia
Joy Garcia joins us with a background in Digital Marketing Consultation. She has spearheaded the design of SWPs new website. She will be partnering with J. Credence to develop our marketing department in order to offer professional advertising for SWP and for all who publish with us. Coming from a large corporate company, she is grateful to be surrounded by God-fearing fellow-servants in the Body of Messiah, Yahusha. We look forward to the many ways The Holy Spirit will use Joy to assist the dispersing of The Gospel message to the ends of the world!
CJ. Austin
Dr. CJ Austin, (no relation to Laurel) retired from providing family therapy and university professorship; assists in care-taking family members. She discovered Zen's writings and is thrilled to spend early retirement assisting him Carol coordinates book production, edits our newsletters, and is turning Zen’s thousands of pages into a user friendly "Q&A with Zen."
While looking forward to publishing some of her own writing, CJ's hope is to bring encouragement to all truth seekers. You can contact her at:SWP.Editor@gmail.com
J. Credence
Meet our newest team member - J. Credence. She and her husband will assist us as we move our online store to a more efficient platform to accommodate our phenomenal growth. She also brings much needed expertise in the areas of marketing and ad words. In addition, she is looking to publish her novel/s with us.
Gerard Paar
Gerard Paar is a 29 year old self-taught graphic designer adept in Adobe Creative Suite, Autocad, Web Design, and freehand drawing. Gerard designs book covers for our authors and has been designing since 2009, he designs covers for all types of genres. Over the years he's worked for a lot of publishing companies and has continued his passion to date as a freelance designer. A father of three and married to his beautiful wife Zil, Gerard likes coffee, chicken, and a cozy day with his family.
Kees Bruin
Kees Bruin helps Sacred Word Publishing with book cover designs. Religious themes dominate his art as he draws on the rich iconography and spiritual heritages of Judeo-Christian and Western philosophies to provide a fresh perspective on Christianity. His enduring, enigmatic works intrigue and tease with their tenuous play between the real and the symbolic - what seems to be and what is.
Anatoly Shumkin
Anatoly Shumkin - From Russia. He graciously gave permission for Zen to use his paintings for the Great Commission Series. Very interesting background and information on his website:
OUR Team
Laurel Austin
Laurel Austin, our official photographer & "Wellness Writer," is a mom of 6 children. Her first four children are all vaccinated and all four of them are on the autism spectrum. Her younger two children have never been vaccinated and they are both "normal," typically developed children. They have been through genetic testing and all kinds of therapies and protocols that gave Laurel insight into vaccine injury and heavy metal toxicity. In addition to sharing what she has learned from this experience, Laurel also shares with others what she has learned about living a healthier lifestyle, including: cultured and fermented foods, her favorite being kombucha. Laurel is a professional photographer, former sign language interpreter, and, she co-hosts with Zen Garcia twice a month on vaccine and health related issues. You can follow Laurel on Twitter at: www.twitter.com/Laurel_Austin
Joy Garcia
Joy Garcia joins us with a background in Digital Marketing Consultation. She has spearheaded the design of SWPs new website. She will be partnering with J. Credence to develop our marketing department in order to offer professional advertising for SWP and for all who publish with us. Coming from a large corporate company, she is grateful to be surrounded by God-fearing fellow-servants in the Body of Messiah, Yahusha. We look forward to the many ways The Holy Spirit will use Joy to assist the dispersing of The Gospel message to the ends of the world!
CJ. Austin
Dr. CJ Austin, (no relation to Laurel) retired from providing family therapy and university professorship; assists in care-taking family members. She discovered Zen's writings and is thrilled to spend early retirement assisting him Carol coordinates book production, edits our newsletters, and is turning Zen’s thousands of pages into a user friendly "Q&A with Zen." While looking forward to publishing some of her own writing, CJ's hope is to bring encouragement to all truth seekers. You can contact her at:SWP.Editor@gmail.com
J. Credence
Meet our newest team member - J. Credence. She and her husband will assist us as we move our online store to a more efficient platform to accommodate our phenomenal growth. She also brings much needed expertise in the areas of marketing and ad words. In addition, she is looking to publish her novel/s with us.
OUR Artist
Gerard Paar
Gerard Paar is a 29 year old self-taught graphic designer adept in Adobe Creative Suite, Autocad, Web Design, and freehand drawing. Gerard designs book covers for our authors and has been designing since 2009, he designs covers for all types of genres. Over the years he's worked for a lot of publishing companies and has continued his passion to date as a freelance designer. A father of three and married to his beautiful wife Zil, Gerard likes coffee, chicken, and a cozy day with his family.
Kees Bruin
Kees Bruin helps Sacred Word Publishing with book cover designs. Religious themes dominate his art as he draws on the rich iconography and spiritual heritages of Judeo-Christian and Western philosophies to provide a fresh perspective on Christianity. His enduring, enigmatic works intrigue and tease with their tenuous play between the real and the symbolic - what seems to be and what is.
Anatoly Shumkin
Anatoly Shumkin - From Russia. He graciously gave permission for Zen to use his paintings for the Great Commission Series. Very interesting background and information on his website: https://vk.com/shumkin_anatoly