The truth of our history has been lost, but not gone. You have to dig, scratch and claw your way to it…because the truth is no handout. Knowing our history has become too important to leave abandoned. We MUST learn the truth of our past or we will not understand what’s happening—or more importantly, what’s coming… Throughout the ages, societies have risen, and they have fallen. Those who suffered implosion all shared a common factor: they did not remember what or who carried them into the present. Times, technology, and generations change…but people do not. Most of us were never taught the truth of our past because they do not want us to know it. Our American History is not presented in context. Where once it was skewed in the overly forgiving patriotic vain—today—it is taught almost entirely and artificially in the negative, damning, and self-loathing perspective. Somewhere in between, lies the truth. Understanding the present begins by thoroughly understanding the past…in context. When we know what has come before and will be again, those who would seek to subjugate will find it more difficult to deceive the people. False narratives crumble when the truth is discovered. Those in control need it hidden. Its why American slaves were not permitted to read and why bibles were printed in a dead language. I vigorously consumed American History out of a sense of urgency; a genuine pursuit to discover what and who had brought us here, today, and now. What I discovered, will shock you. It is a past you will not read in a textbook. Rome disintegrated because the people were distracted by the drama in the Colosseum while her leaders sold them out to the highest bidder. They indulged in the present, instead of remembering their past…and it’s happening again. Many people are programmed from childhood to believe history is dull and boring. Today, we’re told to ‘move forward’, let go of the past, to “kill it” if we must. If we refuse to remember, we’ll forget who we are. In whatever time we have left, you must understand the truth of who we were to comprehend why we’re falling apart. Nations rise and fall. And when the flames of destruction sweep through our land, it is not the how that will plague you…it will be the why. To see what’s ahead, you must look back. If you want to know America’s future, you must study her past. The real context of our history…is forbidden…