Lucifer Father of Cain Ebook - sacred-word-publishing-2
Lucifer Father of Cain Ebook - sacred-word-publishing-2

Lucifer Father of Cain Ebook

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The esoteric knowledge presented here, represents what are in my belief, some of the most carefully guarded, heavily veiled, and least understood secrets of biblical wisdom traditions. And though many have stumbled upon certain aspects of this information, few I believe have grasped in fullness, exactly what this revelation means for humanity and world. Divulging that Cain was not a child of Adam, but a scion of the nachash, the feathered serpent of Genesis 3, is in my opinion one of the keys to unlocking and deciphering some of the many riddles connected to this within the scope of our Holy Bible. I believe that the Father has revealed this insight to His line of prophets and that even His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, Yahushuah spoke of what I will be referencing through-out the chapters of this book. As the fig-tree generation, many now sense the lateness of the hour and as such, are beginning to wonder about the larger questions for our being here upon this plane and at this time. (368 pages)

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