The Time-Piece Bundle
The Time-Piece Bundle
The Time-Piece Bundle

The Time-Piece Bundle

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Save $30 by purchasing all of Diane Covher's books together! (Normally $160 for soft cover and $210 for hard cover)

YHWH’s Unique Time-piece: Explained

(Diane Covher, author) In many of the sources I have read, there was an element of evolutional thinking in the progress of man. Ancient man was looked upon as underdeveloped, superstitious and ignorant. How arrogant we have become. I believe we are the ignorant ones. We have been duped through the generations that we know it all - We have ascended to heights way above our ancestors in knowledge - when really we know less than they did. Can any of us rattle off the constellations and explain why they are up there? Do we know how the sun and moon work together to point out the month and season we are in and follow them through each mansion? Do we understand the positions and phases of the moon and why they even happen? Without this information we cannot know His true appointed times. (154 pages)

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YHWH’s Unique Time-piece: Explained II

So much scripture points to the Calendar and Timepiece established by YHWH that a definite conclusion can be ascertained by those who study the research compiled within this text. To ignore all the evidence is to deny The Creator's Hand in all aspects of our life right down to how we are to walk out each day He has set before us. This can only be done by recognizing and following His Signs, which make up His Calendar and Timepiece. Within this book, I uncover more Truth that has been hidden from YHWH's people about His Calendar and Timepiece. The language used in scripture has been obscured; therefore, we have not seen it in plain sight. Together, we will walk through the perpetual week belief and go into the position that the constellations hold with the sun in the duration of His yearly cycle. Also included is Zen's journey through the writings of Enoch pertaining to the heavenly bodies. YHWH has placed His Appointed Times in the heavens on His Calendar for us to follow, keep watch for His Conclusions of this earthly existence, and enter His Eternal Kingdom in due season. (163 pages)

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Come Celebrate With Me

To be a part of the family of God (YHWH) is truly a blessing. We have the privilege of calling ourselves His children. If we consider ourselves His children, we need to follow His instructions to be a true light to all people and stand apart from the things of the world. One of the things our Father asks of us is to keep His feasts (appointed times). These are not Jewish shindigs, these are His. (174 pages)

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He Shall Crush Thy Head

There are theological issues and ideas in this book that are very likely outside your belief box. It is human nature to read and evaluate information presented based upon current beliefs of what we think the truth is. This is especially true about scripture. We usually quickly skip over scripture because we think we already know what it says and means. So, please read the scriptures carefully and ask God to reveal His truths about the parts you do not understand yet. If you think you understand all of scripture, then it’s probably best that you don’t waste your time reading any further. If, however you are one who wants all you can learn from God, I would encourage you to let down the veil of pride set up by the enemy and let God speak to you. In this book I will do my best to explain what God’s promise is, where it started and how it includes us. Then we will go into the deception of the enemy and how he has led many of us down a path that has hidden God’s truth by covering it with a veil of obscurity which we will call ‘doctrines of men’. (198 pages)

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The Weapons of our Warfare are not Carnal

In these end times we need to understand how to face an enemy that has no mercy for us. He would prefer to see us dead. He has an army that is disciplined and regimented to follow out orders to attack all who are weak and unprotected. This enemy is none other than Satan himself and the thousands of demons, fallen angels, and evil spirits who follow the same plan as he does; to annihilate mankind. We cannot physically see this army, but we can see the results of the attacks upon individuals who end up in spiritual battles with them and don’t know much about them.
Many people who have confessed the name of Jesus seem to fall short in the area of knowing what He has said in His word. They will argue and strongly discuss many matters pertaining to the word but will more than likely not have adequate understanding of it. The principle of needing to ‘eat’ His word is not something grasped. We all know the saying “you are what you eat”. It has been said that the bible is the most argued about book and the least read. Why is this so? This is the very point I will try to expose in this book. (213 pages)

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In Vain They Worship Me

We must examine common traditions to see if they have been kept pure. When taking a closer look at Christian church's Sunday school classes, sermons, Bible study groups, and prayer meetings as well as Jewish traditions and ones adopted by Messianic groups, we must ask ourselves, are these simply the doctrines of man, or are they founded on Truth? (200 pages)

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