YHWH's Story Ebook - sacred-word-publishing-2
YHWH's Story Ebook - sacred-word-publishing-2
YHWH's Story Ebook - sacred-word-publishing-2

YHWH's Story Ebook

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YHWH’s Story is about the war between YHWH and satan. Satan’s beauty filled his heart with pride. That’s why he started the war in heaven, because he wanted to take YHWH’s place. Michael and his army fought against satan and his followers. The war was temporarily defused when YHWH asked Michael to throw them out of heaven. When satan decided to come against humanity, the war was quickly kindled again. This war was, still is and will always be very real and brutal! YHWH promised that He would send a Saviour to restore everything once again. Although satan tried to stop the promise, it still came into fulfillment. This again made satan so angry. That’s why he persecuted the disciples and destroyed the Jew’s temple. Through YHWH’s Story He reveals to us that satan is the biggest liar and greatest deceiver just like His Word says. That’s how he accomplished to deceive humanity the last 2000 years with all his lies and deception. Once again YHWH proved His faithful love, and He never gave up on us, because He is now telling His story to the whole world to set the captives free. (184 pages)

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