The Flat Earth International Conference is an educational endeavor composed of individuals and organizations uniting around the common purpose of the true scientific inquiry of the created earth.


Most people today subscribe to the espoused heliocentric globe model explanation of our cosmology, which contends that the earth spins at 1,040 miles per hour while traveling around the sun at 66,000 miles per hour; meanwhile, the entire solar system moves through the milky way galaxy at 490,000 miles per hour as the milky way galaxy darts through infinite space at over 1 million miles per hour. However, every experiment ever conducted to prove even the simple spin of the earth has failed!

Join us this November to learn why we dissent from the spinning heliocentric theory of cosmology. At the 2019 Flat Earth International Conference, we will uncover and debunk pseudo-scientific “facts” while presenting the true evidence which shockingly points to our existence on a flat, stationary plane.

**Zen Garcia will be speaking at the conference and Joy and Justin Garcia will be running a booth with Sacred Word Publishing products**

We are excited to announce Sacred Word Publishing's first very own conference!

On March 27-29, 2020, Sacred Word Revealed comes to Atlanta, Georgia purposed to reveal end-time mysteries to prepare the final generation with the Full Armor of Yah.
We look forward to fellowshipping and diving deep into the end time mysteries with you.

Speakers include: Zen Garcia, Gary Wayne, Dr. Stephen Pidgeon, Steven and Jana Ben-Nun, Dr. Joye Pugh, and Justin Garcia.